An Economic Interest Group (GIE), also known as an Economic Interest Grouping (EIG), is a consortium of related businesses, companies, foundations, organizations, or institutes that formally pool their efforts for competitive advantage. Unlike for-profit entities, a GIE operates for collective, public, or social benefit rather than generating profits for its owners1. It serves as an intermediate structure between a company and a partnership, allowing members to collaborate on specific activities.
- GIE Formation Process:
- The application for GIE formation must be submitted by a member of the GIE.
- Upon receiving the application, the president or the designated person specified in the GIE’s constitution minutes (PV) must appear to sign the commercial register and the establishment declaration.
- Required Documents:
- Three printed copies of the statutes, internal regulations, and the minutes of the constitutive General Assembly (AG).
- A copy of the members’ identification documents.
- An extract of the president’s criminal record, dated within the last three (3) months, or a sworn declaration available at the APIX, filled out and signed by the president.
- An extract of the president’s criminal record from their country of origin (for foreigners).
- Two fiscal stamps of 2000 FCFA.
- 65,000 FCFA in filing fees, including 35,000 FCFA for registering the statutes and 30,000 FCFA for clerk fees.