October 23, 2024

TRENDING NOW: Bassirou Diomaye Faye Elected Fifth President of Senegal on March 24, 2024  🇸🇳

Sydney 29

Dakar, Senegal â€” The Pastef party’s electoral victory in 2024 was met with hope and anticipation. Senegalese citizens, both at home and abroad, believed that change was on the horizon. The party had promised transparency, merit-based appointments, and opportunities for the diaspora. However, reality soon shattered those dreams.

The Broken Promise

The Pastef party had pledged to publish job openings for director positions and other roles that were previously appointed by presidential decree. This move was meant to level the playing field, allowing qualified individuals—especially those in the diaspora—to contribute their expertise. But after the election, the party veered off course. Instead of transparency, they appointed loyalists to key positions, leaving hopeful Senegalese disillusioned[1].

The Diaspora’s Disappointment

Take the case of Amadou, an engineer who had completed his studies abroad. His heart swelled with pride at the thought of returning home to build bridges—both literal and metaphorical. He envisioned himself leading infrastructure projects, connecting communities across the Senegal River. But when the promised job openings materialized, they were already filled by party insiders. Amadou’s dream crumbled, replaced by frustration and betrayal.

A Call for Change

The consequences of this broken promise are far-reaching. First, it erodes public trust. Senegalese citizens had placed their hope in the Pastef party’s commitment to change. Instead, they witnessed familiar patterns of political favoritism. Second, it undermines the government’s credibility. How can a government uphold its commitments when it fails to honor its own pledges?

The Path Forward

To mend this rift, Senegal’s leaders must take decisive steps:

  1. Transparency: Publish vacancies openly, allowing all qualified candidates—regardless of political affiliations—to apply. Transparency builds trust.
  2. Independent Oversight: Involve impartial bodies in the nomination process. Merit, not party loyalty, should guide appointments.
  3. Diaspora Engagement: The expertise of Senegalese abroad is a national asset. Create specialized sections within ministries, staffed by diaspora members. Let them advise, innovate, and collaborate directly with decision-makers.
  4. Legislative Reforms: Enact laws that ensure fairness and prevent political interference in appointments.


Senegal stands at a crossroads. Will broken promises define its future, or will it harness the diaspora’s expertise to build a stronger nation? The choice lies with the government. Let bridges of opportunity replace bridges of disappointment, uniting Senegal across continents.

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